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Buchtar Tabuni Support the rejection of clemency by Political Prisoners in Papua

Buchtar Tabuni and Victor Yeimo

Buchtar Tabuni and Victor Yeimo

I fully support the stance of rejection Filep Karma and his friends on the pardon (forgiveness) will be granted President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono against Papuan political prisoners in Papua.

I am also a former political prisoner who is now the Chairman of the National Parliament of West Papua [PNWP], gave high appreciation to the freedom fighters in custody Abepura Papua, Wamena, Nabire, Biak, Manokwari, Timika and Paniai that has rejected clemency from the Indonesian Government.

West Papua People Still Prosecute Self-Determination

Wenaz KBGzI am Chairman of the National Parliament of West Papua (PNWP), told the Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia) please run the Special Autonomy, UP4B, and Plus and other Special Autonomy in West Papua. West Papuan people will continue fight to Right Self-Determination as guaranteed by international law.

I have to say this is the Special Coordination Meeting on the Special Autonomy themed “Creating Papua Prosperous, Just, Democratic, Secure, and Peaceful” Midwives held Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, on Thursday (31.05.13) at the hotel ASTON Jayapura, Papua. (more…)

Letter from the Chairman KNPB Wamena About Scenarios BOM in Wamena

October 14, 2012 By: admin Category: Documents, Press Release

Simion Dabi, KNPB Wamena Chairman

On 20 September 2012, I Simeon Dabi, chairman of KNPB Balim in Jayapura-Wamena and received a call from visible Reskrim Siswanto Agus Supriadi related bombing cases occurring in two places, namely the Postal traffic cop, the Irian, Wamena and in the House the Honorary Council Jayawijaya. I was urged to continue to Wamena. On the 27th I received a call again the second time to quickly arrive at Wamena related bombings in Wamena and after I arrived in Wamena on Friday, September 28, 2012, and so arrive at Wamena airport I was immediately directed to the Chief of Police in order to witness Jayawijaya treason against my colleagues are both Enos Itlay and Semi Sambom arrested July 1, 2012 and related carrying OPM Document. (more…)

Socrates Sofyan Yoman: Author of Forbidden Books by Indonesia in West Papua

Writing to Generate Papuan identity

For Papuans, Rev. Socratez S. Yoman, familiar. The minister who now choose to live in a house that is a bit far from the settlement, is still active in writing books. Here’s a talk with Bintang Papua. Papuan issue, he had long been crippled, mute and frightened by a system of the State as cruel and inhumane. That’s the basis that he actively writes books that often reaps controversy, and most of his books have been banned in Indonesia. Told that there is one figure who became prime inspiration. “I was inspired by Arnold Ap, a Papuan Cultural base G who was murdered in 1984 by the current Kopasanda Kopassus and Mambesak song called,” story when Bintang Papua to visit her in Itha Wakhu Purom, Padang Bulan, Heeram District, Jayapura, Wednesday (3/10). (more…)

KNPB Analysis: Scenario Behind Terror In West Papua

Initial allegations that scenario rulers to silence peaceful resistance movement by starting KNPB real and proven. This is already the practice of colonialism lasim used by colonial rulers and capitalists against the people in the occupied territories and rights plundered political economy. That party ANC and Nelson Mandela in South Africa have also experienced the practice under Apartheid rule.

From the shooting up of terror in West Papua, Indonesia at least very concerned that: First, KNPB organizations and activists were killed by terrorists and separatists reasons, secondly, to make West Papua as a land operation Detachment 88; Third, that the issue of security in the Asia Pacific region, notably West Papua into Indonesia reason to strengthen security cooperation with the imperialist countries.


Police Arrest Members KNPB in Wamena

Wamena, Indonesia KNPBnews resume-Police raid KNPB Regional Secretariat Baliem Wamena and arresting eight members of KNPB this afternoon (29/9) at 5:30, in the complex Potikelek, Wamena, West Papua.

Chairman KNPB Baliem area, Simion Dabi KNPBnews when contacted this afternoon confirmed that its members, the Secretary General KNPB Baliem area, Janus WaMu (26), Eddo Doga (26), Irika Kosay (19), Jusuf Hiluka (52), Yan Mabel (33 ), Amus Elopere (22), Wioge Kosay (18) and Melias Kosay (35) has been arrested by the Secretariat KNPB inhumane Baliem Wamena.

Police Arrest Members of KNPB and Parliament in Timika

Indonesian police again arrested 6 members of the National Committee of West Papua [KNPB] and the Regional People’s Parliament (PRD) in front of the church Ebenheser, Timika, (23/09) at 04.00 pm.

Monitoring Knpbnews this afternoon, police officers from the Indonesian Mobile Brigade unit using 2 cars AVANSA and patrol cars blocked suddenly when they were about to come join the meeting. “There were about six people including four civilians KNPB 1 member and 1 PRD members boarded and arrested for no apparent reason at 04.00 pm when they were come join the meeting.

The names of those that can be captured are: 1. Mark Murri, 2. Oktovina Iba, 3. Tinna Barru 4. Rosiana Hindom, 5. Amaria, 6. Agustina Hegemur.

KNPB Ask Buchtar Tabuni Unconditional Release

The Resolute West Papua National Committee (KNPB) through a spokesman Wim Rocky Medlama chairman requested the immediate release of the National Parliament of Papua Barat (PNPB) who had been held since a few months ago and is undergoing a period of detention in prisons Abepura.

“This is a national spokesperson stated KNPB, Wim Medlama when met the media on Monday (25/9) yesterday around Waena, Jayapura, Papua.

“We are calling for the immediate release of the head PNPB unconditionally,” said national spokesman for West Papua. (more…)

Buchtar Tabuni: I’m not the perpetrator, Free Me “Hi Courts Indonesia: Not Fair.

There is a very strange feeling in my courtroom Indonesia because at the moment I live session Abepura Prison destruction is as if I was a perpetrator in this case. I am very sorry to performance Papua police in evidence in court as evidenced by a judge in a court of law is not strong.

I am very pleased with the conduct of the police in handling the case because I will uncover the real culprits in this case. When I am free from the bondage of this case, I will also make a police report and will reveal who the main actors are cases of vandalism Abepura Prison.

‘Doa’ Buchtar Dari Penjara Untuk Mako

Ketika Musa (Mako) Tabuni, Ketua I Komite Nasional Papua Barat (KNPB) di tembak mati, Ketua Umum Buctar Tabuni berada di dalam tahanan. Buctar tidak pernah menyaksikan mayat saudaranya hingga masuk ke liang kubur.

Sekalipun Buctar tidak hadir dan tak pernah melihat mayat kolega perjuangannya, namun doa Buctar menyertai Musa Tabuni. Melalui akun facebooknya, buchtar.tabuni@facebook.com, Buchtar menuliskan
doa buat kolega sekaligus saudaranya itu, Jumat 13/9.
“Sahabat karibku! Aku tahu Kau telah pergi untuk selamanya, tanpa seijin ALLAH yang berhak mencabut nyawamu, namun Aku pesan kepadamu. Jangan pernah, Kau ikut bawa pergi jiwa dan semangat perLAWANan kepada musuhmu yang adalah musuhku dan musuh kita bersama.
Tinggalkanlah jiwa dan semangat perLAWANanmu bersama kami, supaya kami tetap dan terus berjuang untuk membebaskan masa depan negeri dan anak cucu kita, agar masa depan negeri dan anak cucu kita tidak boleh di jajah lagi. Seperti kita di jajah hari ini.
Sahabat karibku! Kepergianmu membuat jiwaku sakit, sedih dan tergetar marah. Andai saja kau pergi, lalu 1 tahun kemudian kau harus kembali untuk menemuiku, saat itu juga aku harus memukulmu sebagai tanda untuk melepaskan jiwa ragaku yang sedang sakit dan bergejolak ini. Namun karena kau telah pergi untuk selamanya di alam baka sana, maka yang harus ku lakukan adalah aku harus jatuh tersungkur di hadirat TUHAN YESUS, lalu memohon penghiburan jiwaku yang sedang bergejolak karena kepergianmu.